Seller Services


 I will help you sell your home by providing a seamless experience from start to finish. My commitment is to put you in the best position to market your home and sell it for the highest possible price in the shortest amount of time!

  • Y.E.S - You Expect Satisfaction

  • Find a Buyer for Your Home

  • Sell Your Home Within a Specific Time Frame

  • Price Your Home Competitively

  • Find Ways to Fix Up Your Home and Stage Your Jome to Sell It for More

  • Help You With Paperwork, Inspections, and Settlement

  • Negotiate the Best Possible Deal and Work Professionally With Buyers


Home Preparation Management

  1. Recommend the most essential updates and repairs that will maximize your home's value.

  2. Obtain estimates from trusted vendors in our network (including staging).

  3. Lay out a detailed schedule of all work to be done.

  4. Coordinate and manage all vendors and pre-sale inspections.



Strategic Marketing Plan

  1. Market your home to reach the widest pool of buyers through targeted online campaigns and print advertising.

  2. Present the finest quality printed advertising about your home.

  3. Provide the highest quality architectural photography, video.

  4. Enhanced social media and web based advertising

  5. Productive open houses with the best customer service and follow up with prospective buyers.



Mortgage Rates